NEW GLARUS BREWERY is independently owned!
First Brewed
Wisconsin, United States
The New Glarus beer brand was created in 1993 in the city of New Glarus, Wisconsin by Deborah and Dan Carey. They had early investments by Karen Eichhoff, Steven Speer and Roderick Runyan as well. In 2017, the Careys set up an employee stock ownership plan that initially gave 10% of the company to employees. Eichhoff, Speer, and Runyan sold their stake to the ESOP in 2019, but sued the Careys two years later when they claimed that their purchase price was undervalued. A judge threw out the lawsuit the following year.
Popular Beers by this Brand
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- Unplugged
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- Thumbprint Series
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- Moon Man No Coast Pale Ale
- Serendipity Happy Accident Fruit Ale
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