SALT FLATS BREWING is independently owned! Salt Flats Beer Company was founded in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2017 by Steve Pruitt…
SALT FLATS BREWING is independently owned! Salt Flats Beer Company was founded in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2017 by Steve Pruitt…
SHADES BREWING is independently owned! Shades Brewing was founded in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2010 by Trent Fargher…
SILVER REEF BREWING is independently owned! Silver Reef Brewing Company was founded in 2018 in St…
SQUATTERS BEER is owned by MONSTER BEVERAGE CORPORATION. Squatter’s Beer was started in 1989 in Salt Lake City…
TALISMAN BREWING is independently owned! Talisman Brewing Company was founded in Ogden, Utah in 2016 by Dusty and Joann Williams…
TEMPLIN FAMILY BREWING is independently owned! Templin Family Brewing Company was founded in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2018 by Kevin and Britt Templin…
UINTA BREWING is owned by UNITED STATES BEVERAGE. Uinta Brewing was created in 1993 in Salt Lake City, Utah by Will Hamill…
UTOG BREWING is independently owned! Utog Brewing Company was founded in Ogden, Utah in 2018 by Carson Foss…
VERNAL BREWING is independently owned! Vernal Brewing Company was founded in Vernal, Utah in 2013 by Ginger Bowden…
WASATCH BEER is owned by MONSTER BEVERAGE CORPORATION. Wasatch Beer was started in 1986 in Salt Lake City by Greg Schirf…